Joy Cherian

The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound; To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn;(Isaiah 61:1,2)

Something about me

The month of June 1992, a year before Pastoramma expired, Joy had a vision, a powerful one. She sees a multitude of people, the voice -“RISE AND SHINE”. The cup of God’s hand, trembling with fear she hears again “Fear not” (Isaiah 41:10) This was the calling and it was just the beginning. A series of visions appeared to her and she knew for sure that she was born to serve the Lord. All too excited and wanting to serve him, Joy decided to start a prayer meeting for women and called it “United Women’s Fellowship” (UWF) and printed a few pamphlets and distributed them personally at a few houses. Having three kids and a demanding bank job, it was very difficult managing everything together. She had very little co operation from her very own people but she was not willing to give up on her calling.

Our Mission

1. To pray for the nation, our leaders and the leaders of other nations. 2. To comfort the broken hearted and help them find peace in Jesus. 3. To preach the word of God to all that are willing to hear.

The Chosen:

Of the five Children, Joy was the fourth. Being a bright student and an excellent orator, she was always among the best in school. She grew up to do her Masters in English, in Public Administration and in Economics. Though she was born to a great servant of God, she never was a believer, career and family was on her mind and indulged in reading all books other than the Bible.

The Turning Point

Tara, her beloved 4 year old was the cynosure of all eyes. No one even imagined that she would be taken away so soon. Joy was heart broken and depressed to no end. However, it taught her that if you love anything more than God, it shall be taken away. She started praying early in the morning. This Morning Prayer went on for seven years until the vision.

1000 titles of God Series

Joy started this unique series called the “1000 Titles of God” in 3rd February 2002. Seven new titles of God from the Holy Bible were preached in the Sunday service. Each of the 1000 titles were explained in detail. This series took 3 ½ years and was successfully completed on June 5th 2005. Thousands of people attended this series and were blessed. Literature on the 1000 titles is available at our office.

1000 promises of God series

Joy started another unique series called the “1000 Promises of God” in 3rd August 2003. Seven new promises of God from the Holy Bible are preached in the Sunday morning service. Each of the 1000 promises are explained in detail. Attend the morning service at UPF and claim the promises God has in store for you. Literature on the 1000 promises is available at our office.

Power Of Prayer Series

A new series called the “Power of Prayer” starts from July 3rd 2005. God willing, one of the prayers in the Holy Bible is explained in detail by Joy Cherian in the Sunday Evening Service. Come, participate and feel the presence of God.

Debora Swaram

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been.

Spiritual Growth Books

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been.


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been.

Recent Blog Posts

Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text.

Spiritual Growth Books

Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text.

1000 names of Jesus

1000 names of Jesus

written by Joy Cherian

"For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen,

Amma Matalu

Amma Matalu

written by Joy Cherian

The mouth of a righteous man is a well of life

Examine Your Heart

Examine Your Heart

written by Joy Cherian

Examine your motives, test your heart

Secret Sin

Secret Sin

written by Joy Cherian

Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect